Established in 2009, The Overcomer Foundation is a 501c3 non-profit organization whose mission is “to help people overcome the challenges of life.”

While there are many challenges that people encounter—physical, financial, and more—we believe the most significant challenge lies in the spiritual realm. We aim to help people overcome these challenges though understanding and applying a Christian worldview.

RADIO BROADCAST: The primary endeavor of The Overcomer Foundation is directing The Christian Worldview, which produces radio programs, hosts events, and provides print and video resources. To find out more, go to

PRISON RESOURCES: Another branch of The Overcomer Foundation is to provide helpful resources to incarcerated men and women.

EDUCATIONAL COURSES: NEW this year – we are hosting the Overcomer Course, a 2-day small group course for 18-25 year olds.  This age group is in the midst of major life transitions from dependence to independence, parental to personal values, education to vocation, and being single to (perhaps) married. That’s a lot to navigate! And there’s a lot at stake—the convictions you develop and the decisions you make during this crucial time of life sets your course for years to come.  Learn more about this exciting new opportunity!

The Overcomer Foundation is led by a seven-member Board of Directors.

All donations to The Overcomer Foundation are tax-deductible to the amount allowed by U.S. law.